Sarah DeAngelo Jewelry Curates Small Treasures, Handcrafted With Love & Intention 

Sarah DeAngelo is returning to the Firefly Handmade Summer Market this August 28-29, and we’re so happy to welcome her back! Her jewelry is handcrafted with beautiful stones and delicate details. Inspired by nature and ancient cultures, Sarah’s designs are truly one of a kind.  

What do you like about the handmade process? 
I have always loved making things with my hands. Through the years I have dabbled in every art and craft form. But jewelry-making feeds my soul. I love that it requires intense concentration. When I am making I get into a zone, the rest of the world just falls away.  I feel like I’ve accomplished something important when I finish a piece that will be someone’s personal talisman for years, maybe even generations to come.


What influences your designs? Where do you find inspiration? 
I love to look at ancient jewelry from around the world. I’m especially inspired by ancient jewelry from the Americas, Greco/Roman, Africa, and Mesopotamia. I am a traditional metalsmith, so I am fascinated by pieces made 1000 years ago, using the same tools and techniques that I use today. But my muse is the stones. I design every piece around the stones, to show them off and highlight their unique beauty. Every stone has a story to tell and my job is to not get in its way. 


Would you tell us about your technique? 
I use traditional metalsmithing techniques. This means that I start with a metal sheet and wire and hand fabricate every element. I use forging, forming, saw piercing, and soldering most often. Currently, I am obsessed with metal stamping. I use only handmade stamps from Navajo artists and vintage stamps from India. These stamps are made of carved and hardened steel. The steel is harder than the silver, so when struck with a hammer, it literally moves the silver, leaving an impression. It has taken years of practice to learn how to get good impressions. I love how a single design element can be used in infinite ways, creating texture and pattern. 


Where do you get your stones? Do you have a favorite? 
I love to source stones! I am like a kid in a candy shop! I travel to the Tucson Gem Show once a year to find stones. Gem cutters come from all over the world for this show. I spend a whole week hand-picking my stones for the year. Turquoise is my favorite. It’s like a magnet. I’m so drawn to it. I can’t get enough. It comes in so many colors and patterns and feels like the earth, sky, and water all in one. I am an unashamed turquoise hoarder! 


How has your jewelry line developed over time? 
For many years my jewelry was a hodgepodge of styles. I think as a new designer (or even a seasoned one) it’s easy to fall in love with what other people are doing and want to emulate it. I wanted to make everything. My jewelry looked like it was made by 20 different designers. It took me 19 years to finally find my voice as an artist. My jewelry is a reflection of what I value: nature, adventure, authenticity, and relationship. I still love to experiment and push my boundaries. That’s an important part of growth. But now I know who I am and what I want my jewelry to say.  


Do you do any custom work? 
Yes, I do selective custom work. The best kind of custom work is when someone has an idea for a piece or a stone they need set, but they trust me to create the piece in my style. That’s where the magic of collaboration happens.


What’s the best advice you ever received? 
My jewelry teacher, master goldsmith William Howard, used to say “Good art takes time. If you don’t put in the time the results will disappoint us all”. I think about this often. When I am rushing to get a piece done and want to cut corners. When I am stuck on a design or a collection. When I am feeling impatient about my growth as an artist. There are no shortcuts. You have to just settle into the process. It takes as long as it takes. When I complete a piece I’m really proud of, I get it.


What do you like about being a Firefly Handmade artisan? 
I have enjoyed being a Firefly artisan for several years. Firefly does a great job of selecting artists and creating a supportive community. 

​​Visit and shop with Sarah DeAngelo Jewelry at Firefly Handmade Summer Market, August 28 & 29, on Historic South Gaylord Street, Washington Park, Denver.