Mile High Vintage Curates Beautiful Mid-Century Furniture & Home Goods

For the first time in Firefly Handmade history, we'll be hosting a vintage stand at our Summer Market this August 28-29, and we’re excited for it to be Mile High Vintage! This stellar mother-daughter team handpicks beautifully curated mid-century furniture and home goods you are sure to adore. 

Can you tell us a little bit about yourselves?
We are a Mother and Daughter team! We are both from California originally but have lived here for many years. We have always loved to thrift and search for treasures! It must run in the family because my Grama shops with us often. We are very family-oriented and love that we get to work together. 


What inspired you to build Mile High Vintage?
Our love/addiction to thrift store shopping was our inspiration for Mile High Vintage. We started this adventure almost 7 years ago with our Etsy shop. Since then we have expanded into selling in Antique stores and several Markets around Denver.


How do you hope to impact your community?
We hope to impact our community by not only keeping treasures out of landfills but also by keeping Mid-Century/Vintage accessible to all at an affordable price. 

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Does your team collect vintage wares yourself? Can you elaborate on that process?
Oh yes!! We can't help it! We both have homes filled with vintage finds. The good thing about this business is we are able to change up our house decor whenever we want and often do. Some of our items have been recycled through our homes!

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How has your vintage line developed over time?
Over the years we have gotten pickier when it comes to what we buy. We want items that you don't see every day. We have always bought Mid-Century just because it's what we personally like, but over the last couple of years we have branched out to BoHo, Art Deco, and some ‘80s and ‘90s. We have found that it is better to have quality over quantity. 


How do you hope the community will interact with your wares?
The community is a big reason why we do what we do! We have met the most amazing people, whether it be customers or other vintage vendors. We hope our items make people happy! We love hearing all the memories people have in regards to our merchandise. "This reminds me of my Grandma", or "We had this growing up!". It's crazy how an object can bring you right back to a moment in time. 

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What advice do you have for fellow entrepreneurs?
Be patient, be persistent, and don't give up. It took us a LONG time to get a following on Etsy and an even longer time to find our niche in Antique Malls. Sometimes it takes a while to find your groove. 

What are you looking forward to most as a new Firefly Handmade artisan?
We are so excited that Firefly is now accepting vintage vendors!!! We are looking forward to meeting new customers and vendors, and most of all having fun.

​​Visit and shop with Mile High Vintage at Firefly Handmade Summer Market, August 28 & 29, on Historic South Gaylord Street, Washington Park, Denver.